Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Final Chapter

Sheryl and I are both back at home.

We had a great flight from Iowa to Indiana with the best tailwinds of the trip. Sheryl's friend Margaret was there to greet us at Sheridan Airport with bagel and drinks. We didn't get a chance to have breakfast in our haste to get started from Iowa so this was a real treat. Pilots, which Margaret is, have a great sense for these things.

Margaret also provided us with a full tank of fuel for 701 for the next leg of the trip. Thank you, Margaret!

The next leg carried me to DuBois, PA. It was lonesome flying without Sheryl. We were a great team and really enjoyed our time together. I met a couple from Holbrook, MA while waiting to buy a tall cup of coffee to keep me awake for the remainder of the journey. In retrospect it wasn't needed due to having yet another storm to fly around in Wilkes-Barre, PA and lowering weather conditions as I progressed eastward.

Upon arriving in Plymouth, MA I had a wonderful welcoming committee consisting of Bill, his daughter Robin, her husband Eric and baby Collette.

After 52 hours of flight time and visiting or flying over 21 states the trip is ended and it was awesome.



  1. Wow --- what adventures. Sounds like you had a ball and didn't get into too much trouble. Glad you enjoyed. Had hoped to review each day as you progressed but, with the Mary E adventurous Pirates keeping me tied up I didn't get a chance till today to catch up. Welcome home ! C ya soon.

  2. Judy,
    Congratulations to both you and Sheryl on an amazing adventure. It is certainly true in aviation... it ain't ever boring. Welcome home!
